The Rite of Televangelical Gnosis

[From the Corpus Fecundi of the AutonomatriX] This is a rite for attaining vacuity and sigil transmission utilizing a pre-existing vector: The Television Evangilist.

Statement of Intent:
It is our/my will to utilize the “magical”,”techno-shamanic” and “hypnotic” powers of the TV Evangelist to attain gnosis and transmit our sigilized desire/s.

Turn on PTL or other appropriate televangelical networks. A televangelical video tape is a handy item for readily sharing this ritual with others.

Observe the “live” audience and their many different methods of attaining Gnosis:

  1. Ecstatic dance, frenetic movement, seething, writhing etc.
  2. Singing, praying, speaking in tongues/glossolalia, interpretation, prophecy, sexual arousal from close proximity to others in a revivalist frenzy.
  3. Total faith in the ability of the televangelist to deliver a personal petition to the Almighty Hirself: (miraculous healings, divination, discernment of spirits etc.)
  4. Fear and Guilt Gnosis: Fear of Hell, Fear of being “left out” of Heaven, Snake Handling, Babtism in icy waters, etc.
  5. Stigmata, mass quasi-consensual hallucinations, etc.

These are but a few of the methods of attaining Televangelical Gnosis; free “gifts” from the “Holy Ghost”.

In this rite, we attempt to utilize these fundamentalist dynamics to temporarily suspend our disbelief, and direct our will without lust for results, into the virtual certainty of the Televangelists ability to transmit the sigil directly into the vortex of the “Holy Spirit”.

Rite of Televangelical Gnosis:

  1. Create sigilized monogram of desire.
  2. Turn on PTL (Opening)
  3. Declaration of S.O.I.
  4. Place sigil on opaque paper over TV screen, allowing for at least partial viewing of the program.
  5. Attain gnosis (using any combination of the methods mentioned above) but consider the possibility of gnosis attained through total self disgust and humiliation for allowing yourself to be watching the Xtian spectacle of disgust.
  6. Become disgusted with the complete tackiness and total lack of dignity and self respect that Xtians invariably suffer from. (highly recommended)
  7. Become sexually aroused at the thought of this absurdity. (at this time “Phone Sex” with the online televangelical operators is recommended as an additional link, but is not entirely necessary). Otherwise this may be an appropriate opportunity for an auto-erotic pathworking involving such fantasies as:
    • Imagine having sex with the lady with the big purple hair and ultra-long fake eyelashes.
    • Imagine having sex with Jimmy Baker/Swaggart-types with sweaty palms and booze on their breath.
    • Any kinky combination of the above. (use your imagination)
  8. As the preacher requests/demands the “Love Seed”, or “Gift of Love”, “Love Sacrifice” ($$$), etc., Attain Vacuity (by whatever means available) and annoint the sigil and the TV screen with your sexual/bodily fluids. Just wait for the inevitable: “Right Now”, “Right Now”! (The Televangelist will chant this with a Deep Southern Accent). The act of annointing the sigil and television may be the result of a direct climax, focused on the screen. Visualize/focus on your uttermost contempt for Xtianity as you immerse the screen in bodily fluids. Keep in mind the “Preatures” advice involving large “Love Seeds” for large desires. (aside from the direct linkage to the ritual itself, this “offering” serves to cirCUMvent the “spirit” of the Xtian paradigm).
  9. Banish using TV remote controller as “wand” – and change stations while giggling hysterically.

Note: The preacher needs your “Love Seed/Gift” in order to transmit your sigil to “Heaven”(where the Almighty resides, waiting for “Judgement Day”). Rather than giving the “Seed” or “Egg” in love for Xtianity, you may feel inclined to offer it in utter contempt for the Xtian paradigm, as an excercise in good taste. This desecration of the Xtian paradigm (depending on the rigidity of your pre-existing belief structures) may serve to greatly enhance the power of the enchantment itself.

“All prayer dissapates without an intermediary or carrier. Gods, soul and the psycho-substantive seem to respond only through the mind by in-direction and hetero-suggestion: this is the secret way through many barriers.”

— A.O.S from “The Logomachy of Zos”.by Jihad (AutonomatriX)

Any comments or critisism may be dealt with accordingly.

(To be freely disseminated.)


A Preface on the Nature of Ibuprofina:

Ibuprofina is a modern goddess. Many have felt her influence, but she has had little reverence. Her power has now grown to consciousness and she wishes to more directly influence those who would embrace her. Her form is that of a woman of abo ut 35 years. She is calm and wise, above all forgiving if offered truthfulness, acknowledgment, and the yielding up of pain. She is dressed always in long comfortable gray robes and allows her light brown hair to flow freely. She is neither maid nor mother, beautiful nor ugly. She is a personal goddess, in that conversation with her is usually encountered inwardly. She never provides divinatory advice or interpretation of the past. She is a goddess of the now. She has no enemies, merely those fools who would despise her.

As a rule, the best way to call upon her is recognition of her followed by an offering. She can be very impatient with those who offer doubt. Beware of calling upon her without an offering as she can be stubborn about returning.

The Rite:

1. Statement of Intent: It is our will to awaken the goddess Ibuprofina.

2. Main Operator recites the Prologue:

“In ancient times her form slept. Our mistress slept unashamedly on her pillows, untroubled. The alchemists could but dream of her beauty and peace. In this our age her molecules were discovered and she awoke. Her great eyes opened. And it was seen upon these eyes the great I. She has arisen, and she awaits our calling. See her gentle arms open. Stare into her eyes, feel their hypnotizing warmth. Ibuprofina desires your sacrifice.

3. Participants draw a large I upon the soles of both feet.

4. A mantra is begun: This is pain, the nature of pain. Concentration should now be put upon whatever either is a pain (physical or otherwise), or upon whatever is giving one a ‘headache’.

5. When focus is achieved, get into an uncomfortable or painful position which you feel is symbolic of this. The invocation is then begun.

6. Invocation:


7. While the invocation is recited envision the goddess embracing you, then entering your mouth as a wind, and then spreading through your body. She is a personal goddess, you must encounter her internally. When you feel her within you, collapse in relief and begin laughter.



To Inflict Upon Structures and Authority Figures

Materials Needed:

  • Effigy or other symbolic object representing the authority/ies you wish to entropize
  • “Graveyard dust” real or symbolic
  • Your social security number and/or drivers license number
  • A nice big bonfire


Participants dress in black, and since this ritual is designed for outdoors, warmly. Effigy is laid upon the logs for the fire but is not lit at this time. Participants gather in a circle around the effigy.

The Rite:

0. Statement of Intent:

“It is our will to induce entropy into authoritarian structure, to facilitate individual freedom and the coming of the Pandaemonaeon!!!”

1. Invocation as follows:

MO: We are gathered here to mark the passing of the demons Structure and Authority!
(All: You must begone!)
MO: To them we are but numbers !
(All: You must begone!)
MO: To track us everywhere we go, follow us and watch us !
(All: You must begone!)
MO: They wanted to save us from ourselves !
(All: you must begone!)
MO: They allowed us no freedom !
(All: You must begone!)
MO: They treated us like naughty children needing constant supervision!
(All: you must begone!)

2. Now going around the circle, each participant recites a grievance against a particular government institution, corporation, authority figure, what have you.

Continue around the circle one at a time until all “crimes” have been recited. These can be as monumental or as trivial as one pleases.

3. After this is done, MO recites:

“Now this is all over!
The Eschaton has been immanentized and the Pandaemonaeon is here!
We are free! We don’t need these anymore!”

4. Whereupon, everyone places the pieces of paper with their Social security and ID numbers on the corpse. MO passes around the “graveyard dust” and everyone takes a handful.

MO: Earth to earth, ashes to ashes. dust to dust!

5. Everyone throws their graveyard dust upon the effigies MO and anyone else who wants to now lights the logs so the corpse burns.

6. All shout: “Burn Baby Burn!” and as the corpse is consumed. dance around the bonfire cheering, laughing and celebrating. When corpse is completely consumed all shout “Apealizage” ! and do more dancing, laughing, etc.

7. Everyone go back home and watch a bad movie or have dinner or etc.




The purpose of this working is an attempt to transmit a physical/ tactile sensation over the Internet. One individual will serve as a focal point for a group of participants, acting as a capacitator to store and then discharge a surplus of energy. A give-and-take is, of course, quite implicitly implied here, and for this reason it is of some importance that participants to do not “hold back” out of fear. The pain-causing actions chosen herein are meant to cause intense sensation without permanent disfigurement. The more smoothly the transaction of energy can be allowed to occur, the more likely that any results may be guaged by the participants.

Participants should also have in their possession a common linking object, which is the same as the tool used by the “capacitator” to perform the body modification on hirself. In this particular instance of this working, the “capacitator” will be using a knife to make a 1/8″ deep cut into hir arm as the initial stage of scarification. The cut will be colored with ashes, and participants should also have some of these.


– Toothbrush
– Baking Soda
– Dental Floss
– Salt & Water
– Rubber Bands
– Knife
– Hot Peppers (Atomic Warhead Strength)
– Computer Internet Access

The rubber bands mentioned above should be of the wider type, and about the participants’ wrists before the working proper begins.

Working 1:

00. An opening/banishing is performed. In this instance, the opening will consist of a ritual purification of the working area by the “capacitator”, via the sprinkling of salt water prepared using the knife as a stirrer.

0. Participants abandon their keyboards for a few minutes to very harshly brush their teeth, in such a manner that the gums bleed a little. Each should take no more than 5 minutes to do this, and acknowledge their return to their terminal.

In our working, the “capacitator” will undertake the role of shepherd; as he is the only one not leaving his terminal to achieve “hygienosis”, it’s fitting that he keep track of when everyone has come back.

1. The “capacitator” mentioned above cries out “HUT!” (start). Participants put the salt in their mouths and hold it there for as long as they can bear it (i.e., until the sensation reaches as plateau and no longer becomes more intense).

2. During this time, the “capacitator” is chanting (as one would a mantra) or screaming:

(I invoke pain into myself)

3. When the pain has become overwhelming (i.e., gnosis is achieved), partipants will shout out:

(We evoke our pain)

Note that because individual pain threshholds vary greatly, it would be very difficult for a group of people who can’t actually see one another to synchronize their arrivals at gnosis via this method.

4. Without pause, hair should now be forcefully removed from some sensitive part of the body. Suggested means include the use of an Epilady-type device, wax, or simply pulling a few hairs out.

5. Repeat 2 & 3.

6. A small amount of a very powerful pepper or hot sauce should now be ingested. If desired, the participants can do this repeatedly, as this can heighten the effect of the pepper into successive increases in sensation. Certain very hot chili peppers will do, and an excellent pepper sauce is available from for no charge if you send him your address in e-mail (he’s OK, he won’t stalk you or give out your address unless you want him to).

7. Repeat 2 & 3.

8. A sharp object (a knife, pine, syringe, etc.) should now be used to break the skin in some senstive place (NOTE: please strive for maximum sterility in doing this).

9. Repeat 2 & 3.

10. Participants regroup, and those who feel that they have achieved as much pain as they can tolerate should bail out now. The remaining participants begin snapping their rubber bands and chanting “OHM”.

11. The “capacitator” now performs the body modification on hirself.

Participants are intentionally sending the effects of their gnosis to the “capacitator”, who discharges the energy back to the participants with this action.

Capacitator (at the moment of making the cut):

(I evoke pain)



12. Participants fully experience the pain. Move into next room (assuming MUD). Banish physical space as desired. Discuss, banter, explain, etc.


Participants should beaware of any increase in painful sensation when the body modification is performed by the “capacitator.”



The Dark Matter at Hand

Background Noise:

When physicists calculated the amount of mass necessary to produce a gravitational force capable of holding our galaxy together in the face of centrifugal force, they discovered a curious fact. When they added up the total of all mass existent in the galaxy, they had only 10% of the mass necessary to keep the Milky Way from flying apart. To compensate for this, they have theorized the existence of dark matter. None has of yet been observed.*

For this working, however, this debate is entirely unimportant. We will assume that dark matter exists in one way or another. Furthermore, we will equate the 90% of “unmanifested” matter with that 90% of the brain whose purpose and function we have not yet discovered. Those unknown or unmanifested functions can be symbolized by the “tip-of-the-tongue” condition (ankyloglossia), when a word or phrase comes to mind but cannot be expressed verbally. This is unmanifested speech, in the same way the dark matter and the “mystery” 90% are unmanifested.

Statement of Intent:

It is my will to manifest that which is potential
It is my will to find the potential lying in wait
It is my will to evolve.

NOTE: It is unnecessary, and undesirable, that all participants recite the statement of intent in unison.

The Rite:

0. All participants declare:


(Phenomenize dark matter!
Do dark matter!
Dark matter by whatever means necessary!)

1. All participants begin spinning rapidly in place while shouting out words, letters, or whatever comes to mind. No chain of association should be followed, and any form of glossalalia is also valid.

2. The spinning and shouting continue until the participants cannot express themselves further. If this goes beyond the amount of spinning a participant can tolerate, hishi should lie on the floor on their back, eyes open, and continue to shout out while hyper-ventilating.

3. Participants now take an ice cube and press it in the space between their eyes with their eyes closed. The ice cube is held there until it is entirely melted. Until this happens, all should remain entirely motionless and in a state of no-mind.

4. When the ice cube has melted, the participants should stand up and yell out:

What was hidden has been found!
From the darkness to the light!
What was silent now is sound!

(pause and draw a deep breath)

What is mine is mind to keep!
From the darkness to the light!
Preconception go to sleep!

(pause and draw three deep breaths)

From within the dark earth grows
From the darkness to the light!
nobo wec to wec nobo

(pause and draw nine deep breaths)

5. Banish by laughter and do not record or seek to remember any detail of your experience until you note the “spontaneous” manifestation of some new ability or unsually intense inspiration. If this does not occur by the time you have completely forgotten ever having performed this rite, then perform it again.

(Note from 555:)

*It is interesting to note that Temple Babel-A:.X performed this rite at it’s Summer Solstice Revel in 199. Three months later, upon returning from their Autumn Equinox Rite, they found a newspaper report that astronomers had at last discovered observable evidence of the existance of dark matter in inter-galactic space. The discovery itself occurred _within days_ of the performance of the rite, three months before; the scientists had waited to announce their findings to confirm them with other observatories!


Rite of Transmutational Sorcery


Frater Qoph 100

This working is inspired by the aestheticism of the Mythos of the Dark Gods and as a model of functioning chaos energy, the results reached via the method below cause an inner vertigo that tends to over-ride personality interference and thus an immense change in conscious perception occurs.


The sorceror is to identify with an aspect of ‘pure’ manifest chaos, represented in this model by the Cthulhu Mythos entity AZATHOTH, “blind and idiot force at the centre of infinity”. This invocation is dangerous, but will confer a great deal of perceptive power to those strong of stomach! The chamber should be in total darkness. Choose a heavy cloying incense to dim the ego-senses and meditate upon the presence of AZATHOTH in an awkward position; one which causes strain or excitement. No instrument of the Art should be used except for the metaphysical.

In your chosen posture a mantra scream should begin, low and muffled, coming from the stomach, somewhere near the groin. This should be felt to tear from the physical body as it emerges from the throat, becoming increasingly raw, more animalistic as it progresses. Eventually the scream must rise more frequently and become the total centre of being as you feel it lift from the dark pit of your stomach into the dizzy vortex of blackness; ripping you apart, rending you free; summoning AZATHOTH from the abyss of deepest dreaming chaos.

Aids to this Working

A sigil may be used as the preordained image of the Primal Scream. This will have the effect of providing an image of Azathoth, though it will be an abstract, impressionist image. Care should be taken to avoid being sucked into Azathoth’s voidal entity, and this sigil will do the job by forcing a subjective identity on it which the sorceror may “freeze” and contain. In this way, the invokation will be limited but more tangibly successful; the magician becomes an aspect of Azathoth. Such a working is very dangerous but can go further and is infinite in its drastic consequences.

Projection into the abyss may be stimulated using hallucinogenic plants, although great care should be taken in their use.

Uses of the Rite

Perception of the very outer limits of consciousness can provide immense changes to the Ego which will diminish if the invocation is successful, thus enabling further magickal freedom due to the intensity of the experience. Directed magickal results may be obtained by meditating on their fulfilment or sigilized to be reified by the invocation. Such as: obtaining some material desire, perception of other worlds, contact with other sorcerors, curing/injuring physical beings etc; but the main aim of the ritual is to effect a lasting and devastating change in perceptive consciousness.

This rite appeared in “The Starry Wisdom” – An Anthology of work from the Esoteric Order of Dagon, A5 booklet 1990.



This rite uses the godform Tlazolteotl, who is described in some detail below. The Mexican Indians saw fit to use her for cleansing them of the sinfulness of sexuality, but since we recognize the usefulness of such drives, we can here concentrate ourselves to putting Tlazolteotl to better uses than swallowing “unclean sexual perversions.”

The purpose of this rite is to banish something “filthy” by which we are currently being afflicted. The “filth” in our case can be any form of “dirt” of which we choose to be “cleansed.” Each individual may choose to be rid of either one large aspect of dirt or many small nagging pieces of grit. Alternatively, a group may perform the ritual for the purpose of having Tlazolteotl devour one agreed upon form of group-dirt. It is suggested that this rite be performed outdoors.

Materials Needed:

– Flammable liquid, such as lighter fluid.
– Water made yellow/green with food coloring.
– Loose incense consisting of herbs corresponding to exorcism or banishing, sexuality, magic, and the moon.
(A suggestion might be dragon’s blood, patchouli, ginger, and sandalwood — or cayenne pepper, damiana, ginger, and myrrh.)
– Each participant must obtain objects and/or sigils symbolic of its personal flammable objects — paper products are suggested.
– A hole large enough in which to burn these objects is dug into the ground.
– Participants may wish to have their magical daggers on hand, as Tlazolteotl. This is optional.

The Rite:

0. Statement of Intent: “It is our will to give our filth to Tlazoleotl to devour.”

1. Visualizing their objects, sigils, etc. as filth, dirt, corruption, and debauchery, participants assume the death posture while holding these objects to the stomach with the knees and pressing the forehead to the dirt.

2. In death posture, participants chant *”TLAZOLTEOTL” while **visualizing the goddess until it is too difficult to continue the chant. All sensory input is then closed off by hands covering the ears, nose, mouth, and eyes until full gnosis is achieved.

3. While participants are assuming the death posture, the Main Operator will begin the barbaric adoration/invocation and visualize the goddess.



(Tlazolteotl Goddess of destruction,
Who impassions us and devours our dirt
With medicine of yellow/green water
Goddess of magic Eater of dirt
Devour our foul poison. Cleanse us.)

4. When gnosis is achieved, participants place their objects in the hole, offering them to the goddess to eat with the statement: “This is my filth.”

5. The m.o. will pour the flammable fluid over the objects and light them afire. While the objects burn, participants visualize their “filth” as being consumed by the flame and state the following mantra:

“BEXHABDET OXO CHEKADENG BIHACHO” (devour our foul poison).

While the objects are burning and the mantra is being stated, each participant will take a handful of the incense and toss it into the flames as an offering to the goddess.

6. When the objects have burned to ashes, the m.o. will pour the yellow/green cleansing liquid over them. Participants visualize this liquid as coming from the hands of the goddess.

7. All participants begin to chant: “CAMVANG ALDOBO, DIBONGOF CHO BEXHABDET” (she is hungry, willing to devour) and proceed to bury the objects together, visualizing the earth as “swallowing” their filth.

8. ***The symbol of Tlazolteotl is drawn in the dirt over the burial place. All focus upon it, recognizing their filth as having been destroyed by the goddess, and banish by laughter.

9. Optional. If desired, participants may dowse their hands, bodies, each other, etc. with any remaining yellow/green water, as this is considered a cleansing liquid of the goddess.

*Pronounced TeLA-ZOI-TayOTl_ The a is as in plan, the o’s are as in home, the e is as in grey, and ehe 1ts are barely pronounced or not at all.

**Description of Tlazolteotl = The goddess is depicted as a rather unattractive, perhaps even disfigured woman, She often wears the flesh of a flayed victim (particularly as a goddess of suffering) and almost aIways wears a head-dress of raw cotton. She also generaIly wears a moon-ring in her nose. Her symbols, which are often depicted with her, include an herbal broom, serpents, the blood stained rope of a suicide, sacrificial knives, flower blossoms, and the human heart. Sometimes she is depicted near, or on top of, the remains of a freshly killed male victim.

***The symbol of TlazoIteotl utilized in this rite is a lunar symbol (crescent moon) entwined by serpents or by one serpent (as seen above). The magicians nay choose to use this symbol or her sigil below for the purposes of this rite.



A Self Exorcism


This is an adaptation of the Goetia. Only the demon evoked is a personal demon rather than one from the list in the Classical Goetia. Also, a lot of the rules are relaxed and changed.


Prepare a triangle large enough to contain Sigil(s) and perhaps some other physical means for manifestation. (We used wormwood for incense.) The three sides or the triangle should be guarded by names of some power to those doing the ritual. (We used Chaos, Babalon and Baphomet). Sigil created the usual way. Demon should be given a name (naming something is traditionally a way of gaining control over it) derived from the letters making up the sigil.

The Rite:

1. Open with a Vortex.

2. Pointing to the Sigil in the triangle, order the demon into the triangle.

3. Once the demon is separated from the operator and safely contained in the triangle, operator can either work with the spirit by “rehabilitating” it to make it a servitor or to reabsorb it and reintegrate it into hirself or (s)he can destroy it. (We destroyed our demons by burning the sigils.

4. If one wished to keep the demon as a servitor, one could dismiss the demon from the triangle at the end of the ritual and keep the Sigil in a safe place. Goetic magicians sometimes reward a servitor demon by putting their Sigil on better material in time.)

5. End by closing the Vortex and banish with laughter.

This kind of “negative” evocation can be followed by a more “positive” magick made more possible by clearing away the debris.


A Quick Guide to Lucid Dreaming


From: Fenwick Rysen
To: Zee-list

lo eskis o

I keep hearing things like:

>> Yep. I WISH I could get the hang of lucid dreaming…! > > ME TOO!!! 🙂

It’s not all that hard. Here’s a basic exercise that’s been working for me for years now. Took me about three weeks before it worked, so expect some buildup time. But if you stick with it, I *guarantee* you will begin lucid dreaming.

First of all, in your everyday activities, start randomly asking yourself the question, “Am I dreaming?” Ask the question, and then focus on your bodily sensations, to see how “real” they are. Then try to do something you could only do in a lucid dream, like change the color of the floor. Obviously, if you are awake, this is not going to work. However, if you do this a few times a day consistently over a few weeks, it becomes a habit that wires itself into your subconscious (it takes roughly 30 days to completely form or destroy habits).

After a while, you will be dreaming some night when the habit is so deeply ingrained that you will ask “Am I dreaming?” while you are dreaming. You might notice that your body feels slightly different when lucid dreaming, and you *will* be able to change the color of the floor, as well as change and guide other aspects of the dream.

When you first become lucid in your dreams, there will be a tendency to wake up: When the mind becomes conscious, it decides that it’s time for the body to do the same thing. Just keep trying, and focus on staying asleep the first few times out. After a while you will be able to remain asleep when lucid dreaming.

I don’t highly recommend trying to fly when you first begin lucid dreaming. If you take off straight up into the air, it leaves nothing around you in your dreamscape, and it becomes even harder to find something to stay related to to keep you asleep. Get some practice just wandering around your dreamscapes and changing minor things before you start doing the spectacular. Of course, if you want to start flying your first night, go for it, but you may cut your dream short.

I cannot convey the importance of a dream journal in helping with this work. Keep a notebook or, better yet, a tape recorder beside your bed and record your dreams *immediately* upon awakening. You don’t need to cover every detail, just the major points. And you’d be amazed at what can slip away in just five minutes if you don’t write it down immediately. If you keep a recorder, transcribe the major points to a journal on a regular basis, before the job becomes to huge to tackle.

A dream journal will help you begin to remember more of your dreams, giving you more chances to become lucid. It will also have some other benefits, such as showing you patterns in your own subconscious. Avoid books on dream interpretation like the plague; you are the best judge of what symbols mean to you. And if you don’t want to interpret them, then don’t. The main goal is to start remembering more of your dreams.

I hope all of this helps. I have had great success with just this one technique alone, but it *does* require that you stick with it long enough for the habit to form (typically 3-4 weeks). Don’t expect success overnight: There is no fast food service line for mastery of the occult arts. However, the effort is well worth it.

So to all you people who’ve been whining: It’s not all that hard, just give it some dedication. I’ll see you in dreamland.

In Life, Love, and Laughter
–Fenwick Rysen


Who is AtŽ anyway?

AtŽ is both a herald of disasters on the horizon as well as the goddess of infatuation. She is the daughter of Zeus and Eris (our lady of chaos!).

“AtŽ… personified the power that leads to disaster and ruin.”

– The Witches’ Almanac, Spring ’93 – Spring ’94.


The reason for this ritual is to allow the participants to achieve vision of AtŽ. The rite shall allow the participants to know the difference between an infatuation that will lead to doom, and a true path. You wish to separate the wheat from the chaff regarding possible choices you have in your life.

Materials Required:

– Blue or white candles.
– Either an herb or incense for clarity, or a mixture of Eris and Zeus incenses.

Preparation :

First, sanctify the space in which you will be performing the Rite, either by Gnostic Thunderbolt, or by opening a Vortex. This should serve to separate the Rite from your everyday existence – you are entreating a goddess after all!

Follow this by burning an appropriate incense (either a good mix of Zeus and Eris, or some form of purifying odor). Also, light one or more white and/or blue candles to represent purity of thought and purpose. You are now ready to invoke. Special positioning or preparation of the participants is not necessary, but any state of gnosis always helps a ritual.

Statement of Intent:

“It is our will to have the foresight to know and to see the illusions apart from the true path we walk, vision of AtŽ, she who heralds disaster and is infatuation.”


The Main Operator calls and the participants respond:

MO: Oh great AtŽ!

P: Oh great AtŽ!

MO: Daughter of Eris, sower of discord, reaper of chaos!
We beseech you AtŽ, goddess of infatuation!
Make yourself clear to us as we look upon many roads!
Make yourself apparent that we may choose with foreknowledge
the true path – that illusions and infatuations may fall back,
beloved and honored, but passed by with confidence!
Great AtŽ!

P: Great AtŽ!

MO: Grant us clarity! Great AtŽ!

P: Great AtŽ!

MO: Daughter of thunders of infatuation and discord, grant us free passage
By the Delphic foresight and the waters of the true world,
Chaos, let this be done!


You may now wish to scry, looking for signs from the goddess or perhaps visions of impending disasters or present infatuations to be cleared, while chanting her name. This is an interesting but unnecessary addition to the ritual.